What Is DROR?
DROR in Short
Who does DROR serve?
Young women in Bet Shemesh, ages 7th-11th grades
What do we do at DROR?
Study, discuss, learn new things, grow, participate in workshops and adventures, helps others, help ourselves, do sport, cook, take responsibility and build new relationships
What is special about DROR?
The warm environment, the place where you are accepted and treated like family, where you can learn about others, learn about yourself, make mistakes and be forgiven
Some numbers:
30 students
4 counselors
4 groups
3 administrators
Our values
Personalized attention, fun, strong role models, a feeling that you are capable, belief in women's empowerment and living by your values
Technical Details
Sundays: 7th to 9th graders have a study center at Amit Shahar after school. They work on homework, setting personal goals, and participate in an activity or workshop. 10th and 11th graders will serve as big sisters and help with homework and developing friendships
Mondays: Optional sport and volunteer programs
Tuesdays: Leadership training program for 10th graders including volunteer programs
How can we help:
Click here to donate. Any amount is greatly appreciated and is helpful to develop our programming.
More questions?
Contact Esther Cohney at: