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Partner in growth

dror camp

Your donation will provide the DROR girls with a summer experience they will never forget. Mentors, friendships, volunteer activities, sports,  workshops,

and awesome trips. 


team dror

Your donation will cover registration fees for the 2019 Jerusalem Marathon. The DROR girls train all year to run with thousands of others through the streets of Jerusalem and experience training toward a goal with their peers and mentors.


mentoring program
& learning center

Every young woman relies on other women around her to figure out where she belongs and how to move forward. Provide the DROR women with role models they can meet and study with. Give them someone trustworthy to talk to as they navigate their teen years.


sports program

We want our DROR girls to make time every week to strengthen their bodies and minds. Provide sports classes ( currently, running and hip-hop) with quality coaches and role models. Each girl receives a personal training goal and follow up


Generously sponsored by Louis Kolom

 in memory of Dora and Solomon Einhorn

leadership training program

We meet once weekly to work on a project that benefits the girls and community. Help them have the resources, materials, and ability to contribute something to their neighborhoods and teach them the value of paying it forward. 



alumni program

When DROR girls get older or don't have as much time to spend with us, we want to remain connected. We offer them opportunities to help others,  time for extra studying and networking, and to be part of our social events. Sponsor our alumni and help us build a DROR sisterhood.


holiday party

We offer excellent events-with food, activities, and workshops that help bond our young women and allow them to have fun. Chanuka parties, Purim Carnivals, Yom Haatzmaut us enrich our social calendar.

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